
The Knowledge Base feature is designed to give merchants more control over the behavior of their AI-powered digital assistant, Monoloq. With this feature, you can create documents containing information that the assistant can access to provide more accurate and contextually relevant answers to customers.

This document covers:

  • Creating a Knowledge Base document
  • Managing Knowledge Base documents
  • How Monoloq uses Knowledge Base information

Examples of information that can be included in the Knowledge Base documents are frequently asked questions (FAQs), certifications of the merchant, refund policy, shipping policy, product care guidelines, warranty details, payment options, and product comparisons.

Creating a Knowledge Base document

To create a new Knowledge Base document, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Monoloq account and navigate to the "Knowledge Base" tab in the dashboard.
  2. Click the "Add Document" (+) button.
  3. Fill in the required information:

Title: A concise and descriptive title for the document

Text: The content of the document, which can include general information, answers to frequently asked questions, and more

The maximum character limit for a Knowledge Base document is 30,000 characters.

URL (optional): A link to a relevant page on your online store. Your Assistant will refere customers here to find more information on a topic.

Tags (optional): Up to 15 keywords that help to categorize and search your documents

Click "Save" to create the document.

Managing Knowledge Base documents

You can edit, delete, or change the state of existing Knowledge Base documents by navigating to the "Knowledge Base" tab in your Monoloq dashboard. Click on a document to open it, and use the available options to modify its content or settings.

If you have a Shopify store integrated with Monoloq, you can automatically import pages from your store by clicking the "Import from Shopify" button.

How Monoloq uses Knowledge Base information

Once you have created and published Knowledge Base documents, Monoloq's AI assistant will have access to the information in these documents. The assistant will use the content to provide more accurate answers to customers' questions and to enhance its understanding of the context while chatting.

Keep in mind that the AI assistant will prioritize the information from the Knowledge Base over general information it has been trained on. This ensures that the assistant provides the most relevant and accurate information to your customers.